Sign the Prayer Pledge!
It takes only seconds after turning on the news, reading the latest headlines, or scrolling through social media to be reminded that we are living in a world that is suffering. We see the need for change and intercession around us—but what can we as brothers and sisters in Christ do in the face of this insurmountable need we see daily? How do we change the fate of the world?
We pray.
Today, I would like to ask you to join a fellowship of Christ-followers who have committed to pray fervently and frequently for our nation, our neighbors, and the salvation of those around us.
Will you commit to join us in prayer by signing the Prayer Pledge?
When you sign the pledge, we will not only be joining you in prayer, but will come alongside you to support you through messages of encouragement to help you grow in your walk with Christ as well as specific ways you can pray for the ministry and current events around the world.
And when you sign the pledge today, you'll receive a free download of Growing Through Faith in Prayer, a step-by-step guide to teach you how to pray through the Word of God.
Take the pledge today, and join us as we seek God’s will for our lives and the world around us!
I pledge:
- To spend more time with God in heartfelt prayer for revival in our nation, and the world.
- To pray that leaders everywhere would experience a profound spiritual awakening.
- To pray for the Church and its commission to share the love of Jesus around the globe.
- To pray that my friends and family would develop a personal relationship with Jesus.
- That I will lead by example, so my life reflects the transformative power of God to others.
Sign the pledge by entering your name.